Mighty Mixtapes

Our mixes play anywhere.

Who doesn't love a mixtape?

Tell us what song you #breakfree to and it
could get added to our next collection.

Our previous mixes, check ‘em out...

... Then go load ‘em onto your Mighty.

Pow Mix

Mighty Mixes: Volume 17
Powder, Fluff, Pow Pow, Freshies - call it what you want. This mix will make your next powder day even better.

Power Up II

Mighty Mixes: Volume 16
Get Moving | Hit Your Goals | Break Free

Stay Outside

Mighty Mixes: Volume 15
It might be fall, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to go inside.

Power Up

Mighty Mixes: Volume 14
We’re all climbing hills in 2020. Here’s
the mix to get you to the top.

Summer Road Trip

Mighty Mixes: Volume 13
Taking a road trip this summer? Here’s the perfect playlist

Father’s Day Mix

Mighty Mixes: Volume 12
Celebrate Father’s Day with the perfect playlist for the Dads in your life.

Disney Bops

Mighty Mixes: Kids Volume 1
Disney classics to entertain your little ones without more screen time.

Momma Mix

Mighty Mixes: Volume 11
A collection of songs dedicated to the mother's in your life. Happy Mother's Day 2020!

The Musical Remedy

Mighty Mixes: Volume 10
Life feeling heavy and uncertain? We’ve got a mix that will lift your spirits.

Love Songs We Love

Mighty Mixes: Volume 9
A Valentine's Day mixtape with our favorite timeless love songs to share with your special person.

World Wide Beats

Mighty Mixes: Volume 8
There are Mighty users in over 60 countries around the world. Here are their beats

Holiday Music That Isn’t Terrible

Mighty Mixes: Volume 7
We spent hours finding holiday songs that aren't terrible and packaged them up for the Mighty community.


Mighty Mixes: Volume 5
High energy funk and disco tracks from the 70s and 80s that will power you through your run.

Smurf the Surf

Mighty Mixes: Volume 4
An ode to our favorite bar in Wyoming, owned by Smurf the Surf, who enjoyed an eclectic mix of music.
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